Celebrating Member Achievements

Congratulations Nathalie Webb

USANZ would like to congratulate Nathalie Webb on her recent appointment as Chief of Surgery at the Royal Children's Hospital in Melbourne. 

Nathalie has responsibility for Division of Surgery, elective surgical services, operating theatres and surgical wards.

Congratulations Nathalie, we wish you all the best in this role!

Article in Australian Journal of General Practice

USANZ Member Darren Katz, together with Glenn Duns and Meredith Temple-Smith, published an article in the July edition of the Australian Journal of General Practice (AJGP). 

The article is titled Role of men's sexual and reproductive health clinics in decreasing health inequalities, and is available to read online.

Congratulations, Darren!

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We are always pleased to hear about the achievements of our Members. If you have a story you would like to share, please see how to Submit Content for Publication.


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