ANZUP 2020 Mini ASM: Register Now

ANZUP are hosting a Mini ASM in place of their face-to-face Annual Scientific Meeting, postponed this year due to the pandemic.

The 2020 Mini ASM will introduce a new two-day hybrid format working with local hubs and an interactive virtual meeting platform being held on Sunday 29 November and Monday 30 November.

The ANZUP Mini ASM will once again host their most popular sessions including the MDT Masterclass, Symposium, Best of GU Program, trial updates, ANZUPx and virtual poster discussant rooms. The national and international faculty will lead discussions around the challenges and opportunities ahead as work continues to improve access to clinical trials, particularly in light of the challenges of COVID-19.
For more information visit the ANZUP website.
To register for the ANZUP 2020 Mini ASM visit the registration page.

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