Member Benefits & Services

With more than 750 members, the Urological Society of Australia and New Zealand is the peak professional body for urological surgeons.

USANZ offers a variety of membership classes to cater for the different stages of a urologist’s career and for other scientific and medical professionals who may be actively continuing their education and/or have a particular interest in urology.

USANZ provides a number of valuable benefits and support to members which include:

The Society's weekly electronic newsletter. Covering a range of topics of interest, promotion of events and general Society news including current development opportunities for Members.

Existing Members can access additional content on UroNews including the archive of previous editions after logging-in.

The Society's quarterly report to Members from the USANZ Board of Directors.

Existing Members can access additional content on UroScope including the archive of previous editions after logging in.

USANZ Communities is a space where Members can share information, resources and experience.

UroChat, the first of our USANZ Communities is open to all USANZ Members. Members who join and participate in USANZ Communities are eligible to earn CPD points.

To access UroChat, please log-in to your Member Dashboard and select “Communities”. This will automatically log you into the Communities site.

The USANZ BJUI Supplement is a bi-annual publication of papers submitted by USANZ fellows and trainees.

Existing Members can access additional content for free from the BJU International Australia and New Zealand Supplement, including the archive of previous editions, after logging-in.

The BJUI is the official journal of USANZ. Members are entitled to a preferential BJUI Journal Subscription Discount.

Existing Members can access details of the preferential BJUI Journal Subscription rate after logging-in.

The Annual Scientific Meeting and other USANZ events offer discounted pricing for USANZ Members. The amount of the discount is set out in the Terms and Conditions for each event.

USANZ advertises urological jobs and fellowship positions free of charge, provided they are either: targeted at urologists; or targeted at researchers working on an aspect of urology.

Vacancies will be advertised along with other currnet development opportunities and promoted in UroNews, the Society newsletter distributed to all members.

Advertise a Vacant Position.

The Society publishes an Online Member Directory to facilitate collaboration and support between Members.

Existing Members can access the USANZ Member DIrectory.

USANZ has partnered with the medical defence organisation, Avant Mutual and it's Doctors’ Health Fund. Under the partnership arrangements, USANZ members are entitled to special pricing on their medical indemnity insurance premiums.

Existing Members can access additional information about the Avant - USANZ Partnership after logging in.

USANZ has developed a logo for use by members who wish to show their pride and engagement in the Society.

Existing Members can access the USANZ Member Logo after logging-in.

USANZ provides access for certain membership classes to BJUI Knowledge, a Continuing Professional Development portal. For each module completed, a member is currently awarded 1 CPD point. USANZ notes that the CPD value of each module may change from time to time. BJUI Knowledge uploads CPD points earned for completed modules directly to members’ CPD profiles managed by RACS on a quarterly basis.

More information about BJUI Knowledge is available to members after they log-in.

USANZ has an agreement with the European Association of Urologists (EAU) to pay the EAU membership fee on behalf of certain classes of USANZ Members. The benefits available to members of the EAU are set out on the EAU website.

More information about EAU Membership is available to members after they log-in.

USANZ may be able to assist members approached to comment on urological matters in the media by providing access to the USANZ Media Advisor.

USANZ Members who are interested in this service should email the CEO further information on options available.

For the membership classifications Fellow and Full Member, USANZ membership carries an entitlement to use post nominals to indicate they have met the requirement for their classification.

Member Class Approved Post Nominals
Full Member FUSANZ
Fellow FUSANZ (Emeritus)



Some member benefits & services are only offered to certain membership categories as shown below:

Benefit / Service ASM* AUM* CO* Fel* FM* FMS* HM* TM*
USANZ Communities
BJUI Australia & New Zealand Supplement
BJUI Journal Discount Subscription
Registration Discounts to USANZ Events
Free Advertising of Positions Vacant
Member Directory
USANZ Affinity Program
USANZ Member Logo

USANZ Post Nominals

BJUI Knowledge      
EAU Membership      
Continuing Professional Development                
Access to USANZ Media Advisor By application to the CEO

* Terminology can be found in the USANZ Glossary. A summary is provided below:

  • ASM - Associate Member
  • AUM - Associate Urological Member
  • CO - Corresponding Member
  • Fel - Fellow
  • FM - Full Member
  • FMS - Full Member Senior
  • HM - Honorary Member
  • TM - Trainee Member


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